Everything’s 万豪在线娱乐 to Change—Starting with You

There’s a reason life at 费什伯恩 is organized the way it is—so you can get the most out of every day.

小类? So you can get the attention 和 guidance you need. 更少的干扰? So you can focus on the things that matter. 纪律和结构? Because they actually free you up for other things. 兄弟会? 因为,当然. 尊重每一位学员? Because we reward character 和 performance, not seniority. 没有选拔运动? 所以每个人都可以玩他们喜欢的游戏. The truth is, you wake up every day with purpose, 和 go to bed at night satisfied (和 tired). 还有什么比这更好的呢?




At 费什伯恩, you don’t choose your roommates. But most cadets will tell they wouldn’t switch their
做任何事的室友. After all, there’s a good chance you’re meeting a friend you’ll have for life. 室友 are chosen by the 学校的校长 和 his staff, who try to find roommates who are good matches based on age, 年级, 新学员身份及军衔. 可以更改房间, but are done at the 学校的校长’s discretion based on the request of a cadet or his parents, or the recommendation of the staff 和 administration



Your room comes fully furnished by 费什伯恩, so there’s no need to bring any of your own furniture. 你可以, 然而, to bring electronic equipment but it’s limited to items that fit on your desk. Other items allowed (at the 学校的校长’s discretion) range from 一个小 refrigerator 和 small poster to video game systems 和 musical instruments.

Working in clean 和 orderly environments increases our productivity. So your room is expected to be neat, 和 ready for daily inspection. Restrictions on electronics 和 civilian clothing may be made at the discretion of the 学校的校长.

“He longed for cleanliness 和 tidiness: It was hard to find peace in the middle of disorder.”

— Robin Hobb \ Author of urban fantasy fiction \ Winner World Fantasy Award for Life Achievement


  • 大一新生


  • 二年级学生


  • 初级


  • 高级



费什伯恩 supports the Corps of 学员 in many ways beyond excellent academic, 体育和JROTC项目. Within the campus are laundering services, 理发店, 一个医院, 军校学员商店, 媒体中心, transportation fleet 和 the Sonneborne mess hall.

  • 理发店

    Every two weeks (or so), you’ll be in the barber shop cleaning up your haircut. (Yes, it’s included in your room 和 board costs). 只是想让你知道, your hair should be neat 和 closely trimmed; no longer than one inch on the top 和 tapered on the side. Sideburns will not extend below the middle of the inner of the ear.

  • 洗衣/干洗

    While you have a lot to take care of every day, we’ll take care of laundering 和 dry-cleaning your military uniforms 和 clothing. We’ll even wash authorized civilian clothing. 我们还会做些改动(新口袋), 拉链, 和大修), 但这需要额外的费用.

  • 医院

    护士一周七天值班. 我们从早上7点到晚上7点在医务室. We always have a nurse on call when the infirmary is closed. 教师 和 staff members living on campus are on-call to take cadets needing medical care to the hospital.

  • 媒体中心\图书馆

    The 媒体 Center is open daily during the academic day 和 during study hall. It’s managed by an adult during operating hours to assist you with any needs. You may also use the Waynesboro Public Library while on an authorized town pass.

  • 学员商店

    费什伯恩 has some pretty cool swag, which you can score at the 学员商店. The store also sells everyday items like pencils, 笔记本电脑, 个人卫生用品, 清洁用品. As for your uniform 和 other required clothing, those are sold 和 issued by The Quartermaster. 

  • Sonneborn食堂

    One of the biggest surprises for every cadet is the quality of the food at 费什伯恩. 好吧, 你应该感谢侯爵服务公司, 一个小, family-owned company that h和les all the food preparation. They’re committed to using locally-sourced ingredients whenever possible 和 to keeping the menu fresh, 乐趣和, 是的, 即使是健康的. 

Clubs & 活动

There is always something to do at 费什伯恩 Military School for boys. Aside from homework 和 study time, cadets are enrolled in U.S. Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) 和 can participate in a number of school sports, teams 和 extracurricular activities.

  • 全国荣誉学会
  • 美国童子军
  • 年鉴Clubs
  • 扶轮国际服务社
  • 青年成就
  • X-STEM
  • 机器人Clubs
  • 火箭Clubs
  • 冬季跑步Clubs
  • 摄影Clubs


For cadets in satisfactory academic st和ing 和 no disciplinary actions, weekends offer town passes 和 weekend leave. Optional weekend activities range from mixers with other private schools 和 trips with local church youth groups to outings that include but are not limited to:

  • 天际线彩弹
  • 宙斯电影院
  • 山谷保龄球
  • 哈里森堡的恐惧森林
  • 在冬天green滑雪
University of Virginia 篮球 Games
James Madison University 足球 Games
James Madison University 篮球 Games
  • 国王自治领娱乐公司 & 水上公园
  • Massanutten水上公园
  • Blackfriars Playhouse 和 Shakespeare Center
  • 国家航空 & 航天博物馆
  • 谢南多厄河洞穴